

Psychological 服务 威尼斯官网在线


Social Emotional 特殊教育 服务 

Dr. 桑迪。我. 艾夫斯,主管
Ms. 特蕾西·E. Paris, Program Secretary

7401 哈德利农场 Drive
Gaithersburg, Maryland 20879

电话: 301-548-4930
传真: 301-840 -7199

Social Emotional 特殊教育 服务

We foster academic and social emotional growth within our students. We seek to enhance the educational experience for children and youth who are experiencing behavioral and emotional challenges so that they can become healthy and productive individuals.


Behavioral and Emotional Support 服务 are developed and implemented throughout 威尼斯官网在线 for students who are experiencing behavioral and emotional challenges. Through the use of the multidisciplinary team, we empower students to reach their full potential. We will also develop student’s experiences in all classrooms through staff development, 宣传, 和协商.

Social Emotional 特殊教育 服务 Locations


Frequently Asked Questions

What is Social Emotional 特殊教育 服务?

In an effort to provide comprehensive services to students experiencing significant emotional and/or behavioral difficulties, Montgomery County Public 学校 (威尼斯官网在线) has established these services to meet the needs of students in Grades K–12 who are experiencing emotional and behavioral difficulties in school. By identifying developmentally appropriate learning strategies and interventions based on current research, staff addresses each individual’s needs in the least restrictive environment (LRE).

谁能出来一下? & 观察我的孩子?

Observations of individual students can be requested through your child’s special education team.

What Social Emotional 特殊教育 Service 学校 will my child attend?

学生 are assigned to the closest school that can provide the appropriate Social Emotional 特殊教育 服务. Please contact the Office for Social Emotional 特殊教育 服务 at 301-548-4930 to determine which school your student would be assigned to.

We are moving to a different address in Montgomery County. My student is receiving Social Emotional 特殊教育 服务. What school will he/she attend once we have moved?

Please contact the Office for Social Emotional 特殊教育 服务 at 301-548-4930 to determine which school your student would be assigned to.

Why was my child placed in a school with Social Emotional 特殊教育 服务 if they are not coded as a student with an emotional disability?

学生 are placed based on the services and supports that they need as identified on their Individualized Education Program (IEP). The educational disability code itself does not determine placement.